Sunday, 26 February 2017


A short, quick piece, squeezed in before February 28th, so that I keep to my New Year’s resolution to put something up here every month…

Reading at the Cellar Bards (photo courtesy of dp-multimedia ©)
Here I am, in the Cellar Bards, Cardigan, reading from the story mentioned in my last blog – the runner-up in last year’s Cinnamon Press competition. As I said then, the story is entitled (W + D-d) x TQ/M x Na, the formula worked out to explain the most depressing day of the year.  In it, Q stands for the time since failing our New Year’s resolutions, so there’s a certain irony in my just managing to get this posted with two days to spare. Otherwise, that would be another resolution fallen by the wayside, along with the chocolate and the exercise…

I’m hoping to go back to the Bards, when the anthology is released, which should be in May. And I’ll be able to read the rest of the story from the actual printed book, then – always a great feeling.

Writing-wise, a couple of goals for 2017 have already been achieved, which is very satisfying. One of my stories is published in the new edition of ‘The Lonely Crowd’, and another is to be featured in the next ‘Crannog’ magazine, one of Ireland’s top literary journals. And I’ve been short-listed for the Irish Imbas Celtic Mythology Competition.  More on all that next month… hopefully.