Sunday, 14 January 2018

Looking forward, thinking back

Once again, a Happy New Year to you all (scary – it seems just the other day I was writing that for 2017!)

The New Year’s resolution for 2018 is – no more resolutions… at least not those concerned with blogs.  Can’t believe I haven’t posted here since July, although, again, I am pleased that the main reason is because I’ve been working hard on my fiction.

This is a ‘snapshot’ of where I have placed my work this year, and there was also an online piece in Tales from the Forest (, together with some online Flash fiction in Spelk ( – something I was very pleased about as it was my first attempt at the shorter form. It’s a site that gives good author coverage, which is always welcome.

Saving the best for last – I’m so thrilled that my novella ‘Esther Bligh’ is being published by Holland House Books later this year. It’s a literary press, based in Newbury, and the editor, Robert Peett, has been very patient with this newcomer to the world of editing, proof-reading, etc.  I have, in fact, just finished reading through the proofs, which has finally made it seem real. It’s surprising how having an ISBN number can make some people so excited! Publication date is the 7th June, and blogging more about the process is something I certainly intend to do.

 I’ve also become rather interested in the novella form – whatever that might be. I attended a workshop recently taken by Cynan Jones, who said it wasn’t simply to do with word-count. Still thinking about that, whilst having started on my second (maybe).