Yesterday, I had the pleasure of reading in the open mic at Llangwm Literary Festival.
(It was raining, hence the wet hair…)
I read the opening of ‘Esther Bligh’, then answered a few questions about writing, from organiser Philippa Davies and the audience, including one about the novella form, reminding me it’s a subject I want to consider more carefully.
Llangwm festival is only three years old, yet it has already become established in the literary calendar, and attracts some of the best writers, performers, artists and foragers (Julia Horton-Powdrill!). Even in the rain, the village is delightful, and the people are so friendly.
After the open mic, I was lucky enough to see Dervla Murphy talking about her travels. She is eighty-six now, and says there will be no more, but she has given us some of the best travel literature of recent years.
So… thank you again to Philippa, and Michael Pugh, and all who work so hard to put on this fascinating weekend.